Schumann Resonance
The Heartbeat of the Earth
Schumann resonance refers to the natural electromagnetic resonances that occur between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere, approximately 80 kilometers (50 miles) above the Earth. These resonances are generated by lightning discharges and other natural electromagnetic sources in the atmosphere. The primary frequency of the Schumann resonance is around 7.83 Hz, although it can vary slightly.
While the direct relationship between Schumann resonance and plant health is a topic of ongoing research and debate, some studies suggest that plants may have a certain degree of sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, including the Schumann resonance. Here are a few points to consider regarding the potential importance of Schumann resonance for plant health:
Electromagnetic resonance:
Some researchers propose that plants may have evolved to be in tune with the electromagnetic frequencies of their natural environment, including the Schumann resonance. It is believed that this resonance could play a role in regulating various biological processes within plants.
Signal synchronization: The Schumann resonance, being a low-frequency electromagnetic signal, may have the potential to synchronize certain physiological and biochemical processes in plants. It has been suggested that this synchronization could influence processes such as seed germination, growth, development, and circadian rhythms.
Stress response: Electromagnetic fields, including those associated with the Schumann resonance, have been shown to affect plant stress responses. Some studies suggest that exposure to these fields can enhance the plant's defense mechanisms against environmental stresses, such as drought, heat, and pathogens.
Electromagnetic pollution: With the increasing presence of human-generated electromagnetic pollution from various sources, such as power lines, electronic devices, and wireless communication technologies, there is concern about the potential disruption of natural electromagnetic signals, including the Schumann resonance. Some researchers hypothesize that such disruptions could have adverse effects on plant health and overall ecosystem functioning.
Schumann Resonance is a phenomenon that involves the generation of low-frequency electromagnetic waves. It occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. The detection of these low frequencies has become a valuable tool for conducting research, including studying the influence of electromagnetic oscillations on the overall state of the human body.
Schumann Resonance is a unified frequency barrier that encompasses the entire surface of the Earth and has a healing effect on the human body. Research has shown that this phenomenon is often used for medical purposes and has a positive impact on the overall well-being and functioning of organs and systems.
What is Schumann Resonance?
Schumann Resonance, or Schumann frequency, is named after its discoverer. The phenomenon of low-frequency waves was first discussed by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann. This physicist's discovery found broad application in describing certain frequencies produced around the Earth. The standing current waves characterize the Earth's oscillations and have a frequency of 7.83 hertz. How are these oscillations maintained? Surprisingly, lightning strikes during storms are responsible for this process.
Approximately 50 lightning strikes hit the ionosphere from space every second. Each lightning strike produces electromagnetic waves that rotate around the globe and within its cavity. The low-frequency oscillations propagate between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
Remarkably, this is a natural phenomenon that occurs every time after a lightning strike. The length of the electromagnetic waves can vary, with some significantly exceeding the Earth's circumference.
Schumann frequencies refer to low-frequency waves that are practically impossible to detect. Scientists believe that their development is related to electrical activity in the atmosphere.
When was the Schumann frequency discovered?
The concept of Schumann Resonance was first mentioned in 1893. At that time, Irish physicist Fitzgerald suggested that the Earth's atmosphere could be used as a conductor of electricity. He strongly advocated the theory of electromagnetic fields, asserting that interactions with electric charges in space contributed to their formation even with negative indices.
Fitzgerald succeeded in measuring electromagnetic oscillations, which led to the identification of the lowest mode of the Schumann frequency. The experimental evidence of the existence of the ionosphere allowed for experiments at higher frequencies.
The assumption that the atmosphere acts as a conductor of electrical energy was taken up by Schumann. He decided to develop and prove the theory in practice, leading to large-scale research. During these studies, Schumann was able to identify frequencies ranging from 6 to 50 cycles. Out of these frequencies, only 4 were at a low level, while the others varied in the range of 3-30 Hz.
Influence of Magnetic Field with Schumann Resonance Frequencies on Photosynthetic Light Reactions in Plants
Photosynthesis is a crucial process in plants, converting solar energy into chemical compounds. However, it can be influenced by environmental factors and contribute to plant stress. Environmental factors like intense light, extreme temperatures, drought, and salinity can affect photosynthesis. Additionally, long-distance stress signals, such as electrical signals, can impact photosynthetic processes. These changes include damage, decreased photosynthetic intensity, and the induction of adaptive responses for protection. Photosynthetic light reactions involve electron transport and ion fluxes, which may be influenced by magnetic fields. Magnetic fields, including extremely low-frequency magnetic fields, are prevalent in the environment due to human activities and natural events. The Earth's biosphere has been exposed to various electromagnetic fields, including the Schumann resonance frequencies (7.8, 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz) formed by the Earth-ionosphere resonator.
ELFMFs (Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields) strongly affect physiological processes in organisms. Studies show their influence on plant growth, seed germination, ions transport, and tolerance to stressors [27–30]. Effects can be positive or negative, varying among plant species and treatment duration [31–34]. ELFMFs also impact photosynthesis, altering chlorophyll content, gene expression, and CO2 assimilation [35–39]. However, research on seedlings and seeds presents conflicting results, with long-term exposure reducing CO2 assimilation [39], while short-term exposure has mixed effects [36]. Differences in plant types and magnetic field strengths contribute to the discrepancies [35,36]. Notably, these studies focus on 50 Hz industrial frequency and do not examine photosynthetic light reactions.
The influence of ELFMFs on photosynthesis is poorly investigated, especially with regards to MFs at Schumann resonance frequencies. These frequencies are generated by global lightning activity and can be affected by climate change. Understanding the impact of ELFMFs with Schumann resonance frequencies on photosynthesis in plants is important. This study analyzes the effects of ELFMFs at specific harmonics (7.83, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz) on photosynthetic light reactions in wheat and pea seedlings.
Short-Term and Chronic Treatments by Magnetic Fields with Schumann Resonance Frequencies
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cultivar “Zlata”) and pea (Pisum sativum L., cultivar “Albumen”) seedlings were used in experiments with treatment by magnetic fields. Seeds were soaked for 3 days before planting. Plants were cultivated (up to 9–13-days age) in vegetation room in pots with soil at 24 â—¦C and 16/8 h (light/dark) photoperiod; luminescent lamps FSL YZ18RR (Foshan Electrical And Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan, China) were used for illumination.
Two systems were created for treating plants with artificial Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields (ELFMFs). The first system measured photosynthetic activity in plant leaves while exposing them to ELFMFs. The second system cultivated plants under the chronic influence of ELFMFs. Both systems utilized Helmholtz coils with different sizes and generated sinusoidal electrical signals at specific frequencies. The ELFMFs had a magnitude of 18 µT. In short-term treatments, wheat seedlings were exposed to ELFMFs during the measurement of photosynthetic reactions. In the chronic treatment, seedlings were cultivated and measured under the influence of ELFMFs. In control groups, plants were grown and measured under similar conditions but without ELFMF treatment.

Figure 1. (a) Schema of plant localization in experiments with simultaneous action of artificial extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELFMF) and measurements of parameters of photosynthetic light reactions using IMAGING-PAM M-Series MINI Version. ML measuring light, SP saturation pulse, and AL actinic light. Blue light (450 nm) was used for ML, SP, and AL. FL is chlorophyll fluorescence. (b) Schema of localization of plants in experiments with chronic action of ELFMF. Luminescent lamps FSL YZ18RR were used as a light source for growth. Wheat plants were used as examples in both figures. Localization of plants in control experiments was identical for both variants; however, they were not treated by ELFMF. The direction of ELFMF was perpendicular to the direction of the geomagnetic field (about 50 µT).
Measurements of Parameters of Photosynthetic Light Reactions
Photosynthetic parameters were measured in plants exposed to magnetic fields. The measurements were performed simultaneously with the treatment, lasting about 30 minutes for each plant. Only one measurement was taken for each seedling. Wheat and pea seedlings of specific ages were used for different experiments. A pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorescence imaging system was utilized to measure photosynthetic light reactions in the leaves of the plants. The system employed various light pulses for analysis. Multiple leaves were investigated in wheat experiments, while a single leaf was examined in pea experiments. The photosynthetic parameters were calculated by averaging measurements from specific areas within the leaves. Standard round areas were used for consistency across all leaves, minimizing errors due to variations in leaf shape and size.

Figure 2. (a) Localizations of investigated areas (ROIs) in wheat leaves at PAM-imaging. Photosynthetic parameters were averaged for each wheat leaf (3 ROIs were averaged). (b) Localizations of investigated areas (ROIs) in pea leaves at PAM-imaging. Photosynthetic parameters were averaged for pea leaf (6 ROIs were averaged). (c) Record of changes in quantum yield of photosystem II (ΦPSII) under the action of actinic light (its intensity is marked as PAR). Fv/Fm is the potential quantum yield of photosystem II, ΦPSII L is the effective quantum yield of photosystem II after 10 min of illumination by actinic light, and t1/2(ΦPSII) is the time taken for 50% increase of ΦPSII under illumination. Wheat leaf is used for this record. (d) Record of changes in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) under action of actinic light. NPQF is the fast-relaxing component of NPQ after 10 min of illumination, NPQS is slow-relaxing component of NPQ after this illumination, NPQmax is the maximal value of NPQ, and t1/2(NPQ) is the time taken for 50% increase of NPQ under illumination. Wheat leaf is used for this record.
Seedlings were adapted to dark conditions for 15 min before measurements. Photosystem II fluorescence rates were periodically measured every 10 s using successive single photons (SPs). The initial and maximum rates of fluorescence (F0 and Fm) were estimated using the first SP. Subsequent SPs were used to determine current fluorescence rates (F) and maximum fluorescence rates under light conditions (Fm0). After the first SP, the actinic light was turned on for approximately 10 min. Measurements continued for 5 min after the light was turned off. Various parameters of photosystem II, such as Fv/Fm, ΦPSII, and NPQ, were calculated based on F0, Fm, F, and Fm0 using standard equations. The parameters Fv/Fm, ΦPSII L, t1/2(ΦPSII), NPQF, NPQS, NPQmax, and t1/2(NPQ) were used for further analysis and are depicted in Figure 2c and Figure 2d.
The study investigated the effects of short-term treatment using magnetic fields with Schumann resonance frequencies on photosynthetic light reactions in wheat and pea seedlings. The treatment did not affect the potential quantum yield or effective quantum yield of photosystem II in wheat seedlings. However, it did lead to a significant decrease in the time taken for a 50% increase in the potential quantum yield under illumination, indicating potential activation of the electron transport chain. These effects were observed with specific frequencies of 14.3 and 20.8 Hz. A similar trend was seen with a frequency of 7.8 Hz, although the decrease was not statistically significant. (Figure S1 and Figure 3a-c)

Figure 3. Influence of short-term treatment by artificial extremely low-frequency magnetic field on the potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) (a), effective quantum yield of photosystem II under illumination (ΦPSII L ) (b), and time taken for 50% increase of ΦPSII under illumination (t1/2(ΦPSII)) (c) in wheat seedlings (n = 30). Action of the artificial magnetic field was immediately initiated before dark adaptation; the total duration of its action was 30 min. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Magnitude of the magnetic fields was 18 µT; frequencies were 7.8, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. *, the difference between the experiment and control plants was significant (p < 0.05).
Short-term treatment with investigated ELFMFs influenced non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence. Frequencies of 14.3 and 20.8 Hz decreased the fast-relaxing component of NPQ, while 7.8, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz frequencies reduced the slow-relaxing component. All frequencies decreased the maximal value of NPQ. Frequencies of 7.8 and 14.3 Hz decreased the time taken for 50% increase of NPQ, indicating enhanced electron transport and H+ transport through thylakoid membranes.

Figure 4. Influence of short-term treatment by artificial extremely low-frequency magnetic field on the fast-relaxing component of non-photochemical quenching under illumination (NPQF) (a), slow-relaxing component of non-photochemical quenching after this illumination (NPQS) (b), maximal value of non-photochemical quenching (NPQmax) (c), and time taken for 50% increase of NPQ under illumination (t1/2(NPQ)) (d) in wheat seedlings (n = 30). Action of the artificial magnetic field was immediately initiated before dark adaptation; total duration of its action was 30 min. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Magnitude of the magnetic field was 18 µT; frequencies were 7.8, 14.3 and 20.8 Hz. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. *, difference between the experiment and control plants was significant (p < 0.05).
The analysis found that short-term treatment with ELFMFs at frequencies of 7.8, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz can modify photosystem II parameters in wheat seedlings, particularly NPQ. The most consistent effect was observed with the 14.3 Hz frequency. This suggests that this frequency can be used to study the long-term effects of ELFMF treatment on wheat photosynthesis.
In contrast, the short-term treatment of pea seedlings with ELFMFs at the same frequencies did not significantly impact the photosynthetic parameters measured in the study. No clear changes or trends were observed in Fv/Fm, ΦPSII L, t1/2(ΦPSII), NPQF, NPQS, NPQmax, and t1/2(NPQ). Therefore, an optimal frequency for analyzing the chronic effects of ELFMFs on pea seedlings could not be determined based on these results.
Considering the effectiveness of the 14.3 Hz frequency in wheat seedlings, the study also explored the use of the second harmonic in Schumann resonance frequencies to investigate the chronic effects of ELFMFs on pea seedlings in future research.

Figure 5. Influence of short-term treatment by artificial extremely low frequency magnetic field on potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) (a), effective quantum yield of photosystem II under illumination (ΦPSII L ) (b), and time taken for 50% increase of ΦPSII under illumination (t1/2(ΦPSII)) (c) in pea seedlings (n = 9). Action of the artificial magnetic field was immediately initiated before dark adaptation; total duration of its action was 30 min. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Magnitude of the magnetic fields was 18 µT; frequencies were 7.8, 14.3 and 20.8 Hz. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. Significant differences between the experiment and control plants were absent.
The analysis found that short-term treatment with ELFMFs at frequencies of 7.8, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz can modify photosystem II parameters in wheat seedlings, particularly NPQ. The most consistent effect was observed with the 14.3 Hz frequency. This suggests that this frequency can be used to study the long-term effects of ELFMF treatment on wheat photosynthesis.
In contrast, the short-term treatment of pea seedlings with ELFMFs at the same frequencies did not significantly impact the photosynthetic parameters measured in the study. No clear changes or trends were observed in Fv/Fm, ΦPSII L, t1/2(ΦPSII), NPQF, NPQS, NPQmax, and t1/2(NPQ). Therefore, an optimal frequency for analyzing the chronic effects of ELFMFs on pea seedlings could not be determined based on these results.
Considering the effectiveness of the 14.3 Hz frequency in wheat seedlings, the study also explored the use of the second harmonic in Schumann resonance frequencies to investigate the chronic effects of ELFMFs on pea seedlings in future research.

Figure 6. Influence of short-term treatment by artificial extremely low-frequency magnetic field on fast-relaxing component of non-photochemical quenching under illumination (NPQF) (a), slowrelaxing component of non-photochemical quenching after this illumination (NPQS) (b), maximal value of non-photochemical quenching (NPQmax) (c), and time taken for 50% increase of NPQ under illumination (t1/2(NPQ)) (d) in pea seedlings (n = 9). Action of the artificial magnetic field was immediately initiated before dark adaptation; total duration of its action was 30 min. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Magnitude of the magnetic fields was 18 µT; frequencies were 7.8, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. Significant differences between the experiment and control plants were absent.
Investigation of the Influence of Chronic Treatment by Magnetic Fields with the Second Harmonic in Schumann Resonance Frequencies on Parameters of Photosynthetic Light Reactions
Chronic treatment with 14.3 Hz frequency ELFMF affected photosynthetic light reactions in wheat seedling leaves differently compared to short-term treatments. The potential quantum yield of photosystem II decreased, while the effective quantum yield increased under chronic treatment. However, these changes were small (around 1.5% for ​Fv/Fm and 4% for ΦPSII L), which were lower than the photosynthetic changes induced by short-term ELFMF treatment (10-20%). The time required for a 50% increase in ΦPSII under illumination decreased by about 20% under chronic exposure to 14.3 Hz frequency ELFMF, similar to the magnitudes observed with short-term ELFMF exposure.

Figure 7. Influence of chronic treatment by artificial extremely low frequency magnetic field on potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) (a), effective quantum yield of photosystem II under illumination (ΦPSII L ) (b), and time taken for 50% increase of ΦPSII under illumination (t1/2(ΦPSII)) (c) in wheat seedlings (n = 30). Chronic action of the artificial magnetic field was initiated from soaking of seeds. Magnitude of the magnetic field was 18 µT; frequency was 14.3 Hz. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. *, difference between the experiment and control plants was significant (p < 0.05).
Figure 8 shows that chronic treatment by 14.3 Hz frequency ELFMF did not change the fast and slow relaxing components of NPQ and maximal value of non-photochemical quenching in leaves of wheat seedlings; in contrast, time taken for 50% increase of NPQ under illumination was significantly decreased by this chronic MF treatment (more than 20%).

Figure 8. Influence of chronic treatment by artificial extremely low frequency magnetic field on fast-relaxing component of non-photochemical quenching under illumination (NPQF) (a), slowrelaxing component of non-photochemical quenching after this illumination (NPQS) (b), maximal value of non-photochemical quenching (NPQmax) (c), and time taken for 50% increase of NPQ under illumination (t1/2(NPQ)) (d) in wheat seedlings (n = 30). Chronic action of the artificial magnetic field was initiated from soaking of seeds. Magnitude of the magnetic field was 18 µT; frequency was 14.3 Hz. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. *, difference between the experiment and control plants was significant (p < 0.05).
Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure S4 show that chronic action of 14.3 Hz frequency ELFMF did not influence most of the investigated parameters of photosynthetic light reactions in leaves of peas seedlings, excluding the slow-relaxing component of NPQ. This parameter was significantly decreased under chronic action of ELFMF with frequency equaling 14.3 Hz (Figure 10b); the magnitude of this effect was about 14%. It is also interesting that a weak tendency to decrease under chronic treatment by 14.3 Hz frequency ELFMF was observed for t1/2(ΦPSII) and t1/2(NPQ). This effect was similar to changes in these parameters in wheat seedlings under short-term and chronic treatment by MFs

Figure 9. Influence of chronic treatment by the artificial extremely low frequency magnetic field on the potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) (a), effective quantum yield of photosystem II under illumination (ΦPSII L ) (b), and time taken for 50% increase of ΦPSII under illumination (t1/2(ΦPSII)) (c) in pea seedlings (n = 6). Chronic action of the artificial magnetic field was initiated from soaking of seeds. Magnitude of the magnetic field was 18 µT; frequency was 14.3 Hz. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. Significant differences between the experiment and control plants were absent.

Figure 10. Influence of chronic treatment by the artificial extremely low frequency magnetic field on fast-relaxing component of non-photochemical quenching under illumination (NPQF) (a), slowrelaxing component of non-photochemical quenching after this illumination (NPQS) (b), maximal value of non-photochemical quenching (NPQmax) (c), and time taken for 50% increase of NPQ under illumination (t1/2(NPQ)) (d) in pea seedlings (n = 6). Chronic action of the artificial magnetic field was initiated from soaking of seeds. Magnitude of the magnetic field was 18 µT; frequency was 14.3 Hz. Photosynthetic parameters were measured by the action of this field. Control plants were not treated by this artificial magnetic field. *, difference between the experiment and control plants was significant (p < 0.05).
The study on the influence of ELFMFs at Schumann resonance frequencies (7.8, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz) on photosynthetic parameters reveals the following:
Effects vary among plant species: Wheat seedlings show significant changes (Figures 3, 4, 7, and 8), while pea seedlings exhibit limited effects (Figures 5, 6, 9, and 10), except for a decrease in NPQS under chronic exposure (Figure 10b).
Short-term exposure primarily affects NPQ (Figure 4a-c), while chronic exposure modifies quantum yields (Figure 7a,b). However, the magnitude of changes in yields under chronic exposure (1.5-4%) is lower compared to the changes in NPQ under short-term exposure (10-20%).
Both short-term and chronic exposure to ELFMFs reduce the time for light-induced activation of ETC in wheat seedlings. This is evident from the decrease in t1/2(ΦPSII) (Figures 3c and 7c) and t1/2(NPQ) (Figures 4d and 8d), with relative decreases of approximately 20%.
Furthermore, we observe rapid changes in t1/2(NPQ) (0.9-1.4 min) in wheat seedlings, indicating energy-dependent NPQ induction related to pH decrease and protonation of PsbS proteins in the light-harvesting complex. These changes rely on proton transport across the thylakoid membrane. Slower NPQ mechanisms may also involve proton transport during the synthesis of zeaxanthin and anteraxanthin from violaxanthin.
The influence of ELFMFs with Schumann resonance frequencies (7.8, 14.3, and 20.8 Hz) on parameters of photosynthetic light reactions in wheat and pea seedlings was investigated. These are the following points shown in our current investigation: ELFMFs with Schumann resonance frequencies can significantly influence photosynthetic parameters in plants; however, this effect is dependent on plant species: changes are observed in wheat seedlings and mainly absent in pea seedlings, excluding NPQS decrease under chronic action of MF. Effects induced by short-term and chronic treatments by ELFMFs are different: shortterm action mainly influences NPQ, while chronic action mainly modifies quantum yields. However, magnitudes of changes in these yields under chronic action of MFs are much lower than those in NPQ under the short-term action. Both short-term and chronic treatments by ELFMFs are likely to decrease the time of light-induced photosynthetic activation in wheat seedlings, because decreases in t1/2(ΦPSII) and t1/2(NPQ) are shown under short-term and chronic treatments.
How can these frequencies affect the body and brain function?
According to research, the following waves and their effects have been identified:
Alpha waves: Operating frequency range from 7 to 14 Hz. Brain activity occurs in a state of relaxed wakefulness, such as before falling asleep or during meditation. Beta waves: Operating frequency range from 14 to 30 Hz. Brain activity occurs during increased anxiety. Individuals whose brains operate at these frequencies for prolonged periods experience significant stress. Theta waves: Operating frequency range from 3 to 7 Hz. Brain activity occurs during sleep or relaxation. Delta waves: Operating frequency range from 0.5 to 3 Hz. Brain activity occurs during deep sleep.
Research has shown that alpha and theta waves can synchronize with the Schumann frequency. Both frequencies are based on complete relaxation and the resonance of sleep. In such a state, the elimination of diseased cells, generation of new cells, and complete healing occur.
Schumann Resonance and Its Impact on the Organism
During the research, it was discovered that the frequencies of Schumann resonance perfectly match the frequencies of the brain. This once again proves the primary connection between living beings and the Earth. It's not surprising, as the human body was formed on Earth, which means its frequencies are native to us and easily perceptible. Humans gain a powerful connection with the Earth. What does this mean? When interacting with low frequencies, the body undergoes healing. People receive the required energy, and their physical and psychological states noticeably improve. This once again proves that low frequencies have a beneficial effect on the organism. That's why people strive to reconnect with nature. Such a partnership provides powerful protection for physical and mental well-being and prevents the development of serious illnesses.
Healing and improvement of the overall state are not the only influences of low frequencies on the organism. As a result of the coincidence between the brain's frequencies and the Schumann resonance frequency, humans are endowed with additional abilities.
Operating at the same frequency as the Earth allows humans to establish contact with the spiritual realm. Thanks to this, we can immerse ourselves in the world of ideas and possibilities and gain access to collective unconscious streams.
It is worth noting that these gifts and abilities are not solely the merit of frequencies. The crucial role in this process is played by the proper tuning of the brain. Frequencies are merely additional assistance from the Earth. All possibilities lie within the individual, in their state and brain condition.
Studies conducted by Professor Michael Persinger prove that it is impossible to avoid the influence of low-frequency waves. They permeate everywhere and affect the organism. The only way to avoid them is to build a steel underground bunker.
Low frequencies penetrating the organism are identified by the pineal gland. The control of resonance is carried out through bodily processes. Astrobiologists have noted that electromagnetic waves affect hormonal balance. But that's not all. The Schumann frequency activates the limbic system in the brain, which is responsible for emotional states. According to conducted research, it has been proven that a group of people who were regularly exposed to low frequencies experienced an improvement in their mental state. After just a few sessions, their state noticeably improved, they developed a desire to do something, sleep was regulated, and their quality improved.
The study of the influence of Schumann frequencies is still ongoing. However, it is already known that they can be effectively used for the purpose of treating illnesses. Establishing a connection between diseased and healthy cells occurs through the Schumann frequency. What does this provide? It alleviates symptoms of illness.